Character Name: Mongoz
Class: Death Knight
Race: Human
Days played at lvl 80: 23
Age ( Must be Master of your own bedtime. ): 16
Gear, Armory link will suffice:
Why did you pick this talent spec?: Cuz i'm trying out some pvp, im usually unholy
Why do you have your current professions?: Mining and Skinning, 450 skill on both
First-kill bosses and with what guilds - preTBC, TBC(especially SWP, pre or post-nerf): did some bt and hyjal Bosses on my mage in TBC
Classes you have raiding xp with: Death Knight, mage and Warrior
Previous guilds and reason for leaving it:
Can you raid at 19:15-00:00 everyday? if not what days can't you raid and why?: Yes
Will you bring Pots/Flasks/Food/Other with you to all raids?: Yes
Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1 as it is guild requirement to be on it during raid times: Yes
Do have Deadlybossmods or Bigwigs installed ? Yes
What spec is your computer / internet speed? 6 mb
For how long are you planning on playing this game? A couple of years
What is it that you want to achive? Many things
Do you know anyone in the guild? Rögern